Kosovo Orphans' Appeal Charity CD
cmos data
cmos 310
next >
Text File
593 lines
ÅEconet station number░ (cannot be configured directly)è
Econet station number
ÅEconet file service station id░ (0 ë name is configured)è
Econet file service station id
ÅEconet file server net number░ (or first char of name - rest in bytes 158 - 172)è
Econet file server net number
ÅEconet printer server station id░ (0 ë name configured)è
Econet printer server station id
ÅEconet printer server net number░ (or first char of name - rest in bytes 153 - 157)è
Econet printer server net number
ÅDefault filing system number░è
Default filing system number
*ÅUnplug for ROM modules░: (16 bits for up to 16 modules) & Loc 7è
Unplug for ROM modules
*ÅUnplug for ROM modules░: (16 bits for up to 16 modules) & Loc 6è
Unplug for ROM modules
ÅReserved for Acorn use░è
²Acorn and must not be used
ÅReserved for Acorn use░è
²Acorn and must not be used
ÅScreen info░è
0 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
1 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
2 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
3 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
4 â6ÅTV interlace░ä(first *TV parameter)
5 âDand bits 6 & 7äâ6êÅTV vertical adjust░äê(signed three-bit number)
6 âDand bits 5 & 7äâ6êÅTV vertical adjust░äê(signed three-bit number)
7 âDand bits 5 & 6äâ6êÅTV vertical adjust░äê(signed three-bit number)
ÅShift, caps mode░è
0 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
1 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
2 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
3 âDand bits 4 & 5äâ6êSet these three bits as follows;äêê345äêê001 ë ShCapsäêê010 ë NoCapsäêê100 ë Caps
4 âDand bits 3 & 5äâ6êSet these three bits as follows;äêê345äêê001 ë ShCapsäêê010 ë NoCapsäêê100 ë Caps
5 âDand bits 3 & 4äâ6êSet these three bits as follows;äêê345äêê001 ë ShCapsäêê010 ë NoCapsäêê100 ë Caps
6 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
7 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
ÅKeyboard auto-repeat░ delayè
Keyboard auto-repeat delay
ÅKeyboard auto-repeat░ rateè
Keyboard auto-repeat rate
ÅPrinter ignore character░è
Printer ignore character
ÅPrinter information░è
0 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
1 â6ÅStatus of ignore character░äê0 ë Use the ignore characteräêêê(ie. donæt print it)äê1 ë No ignore character
2 âDand bits 3 & 4äâ6êÅSerial baud rate░äê(0=75,...,7=19200)
3 âDand bits 2 & 4äâ6êÅSerial baud rate░äê(0=75,...,7=19200)
4 âDand bits 2 & 3äâ6êÅSerial baud rate░äê(0=75,...,7=19200)
5 âDand bits 6 & 7äâ6êÅPrinter Type░
6 âDand bits 5 & 7äâ6êÅPrinter Type░
7 âDand bits 5 & 6äâ6êÅPrinter Type░
ÅMiscellaneous flags░è
0 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
1 â6ÅBeep░ä0 ë Quietä1 ë Loud
2 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
3 â6ÅScroll░ä0 ë Scrollä1 ë NoScroll
4 â6ÅBoot░äê0 ë NoBootäê1 ë Boot
5 âDand bits 6 & 7äâ6êÅSerial data information░ (0...7)
6 âDand bits 5 & 7äâ6êÅSerial data information░ (0...7)
7 âDand bits 5 & 6äâ6êÅSerial data information░ (0...7)
0 â6ÅFS List sorting mode░äê0 ë By nameäê1 ë By number
1 â6ÅLibrary type░äê0 ë Default library returned byäê File server äê1 ë $.Arthur.Lib
2 âDand bit 3äâ6êÅFS list display mode░äêê0 ë Large iconsäêê1 ë Small iconsäêê2 ë Full infoäêê3 ë Reserved
3 âDand bit 2äâ6êÅFS list display mode░äêê0 ë Large iconsäêê1 ë Small iconsäêê2 ë Full infoäêê3 ë Reserved
4 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
5 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
6 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
7 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
*ÅUnplug for ROM modules░: (16 bits for up to 16 modules) & Loc 19è
Unplug for ROM modules
*ÅUnplug for ROM modules░: (16 bits for up to 16 modules) & Loc 18è
Unplug for ROM modules
*ÅUnplug for extension ROM modules░: (16 bits for up to 16 modules) & Loc 21è
Unplug for extension ROM modules
*ÅUnplug for extension ROM modules░: (16 bits for up to 16 modules) & Loc 20è
Unplug for extension ROM modules
ÅWimp double-click move limit░è
Wimp double-click move limit
ÅWimp auto-menu delay░è
Wimp auto-menu delay
ÅPrinter buffer size░è
Printer buffer size
ÅIDE disc auto-spindown delay░è
IDE disc auto-spindown delay
ÅWimp menu drag delay░è
Wimp menu drag delay
ÅFileSwitch options░è
0 â6ÅTruncate names░äê0 ë Give error if name too bigäê1 ë Truncate, donæt give error
1 â6ÅDragASprite░äê0 ë Donæt useäê1 ë Use
2 â6ÅInteractive file copy░äê0 ë Useäê1 ë Donæt use
3 â6ÅWimpæs use of dither patterns░äon desktop:äê0 ë Donæt useäê1 ë Use
4 â6ÅShift toggle size behaviour░äê0 ë Standardäê1 ë Never obscure icon bar
5 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
6 âDand bit 7äâ6êÅState of last shutdown░äêê0 ë Donæt careäêê1 ë Failedäêê2 ë Due to power lossäêê3 ë Undefined
7 âDand bit 6äâ6êÅState of last shutdown░äêê0 ë Donæt careäêê1 ë Failedäêê2 ë Due to power lossäêê3 ë Undefined
ÅReserved for Acorn░ useè
²Acorn and must not be used
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for the user░è
■the useräYou cannot use this location in anyäapplication that is to be ädistributed
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for applications░è
■applicationsäFor an allocation contact Acorn
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅReserved for expansion card use░è
■expansion card use
ÅCurrent year░ - Year within centuryè
Current year - Year within century
ÅCurrent year░ - Centuryè
Current year - Century
ÅReserved for Acorn░ useè
²Acorn and must not be used
ÅReserved for Acorn░ useè
²Acorn and must not be used 1115
ÅDumpFormat and Tube expansion card░è
0 âDand bit 1äâ6êÅControl character print control░äêê0 ë Print in GSTrans formatäêê1 ë Print as a dotäêê2 ë Print decimal inside angle bracketsäêê3 ë Print hex inside angle brackets
1 âDand bit 0äâ6êÅControl character print control░äêê0 ë Print in GSTrans formatäêê1 ë Print as a dotäêê2 ë Print decimal inside angle bracketsäêê3 ë Print hex inside angle brackets
2 â6ÅTreat top-bit-set characters░äas valid if set
3 â6ÅAND character with &7F in *Dump░
4 â6ÅTreat TAB as print 8 spaces░
5 â6ÅTube expansion card enable░
6 âDand bit 7äâ6êÅTube expansion card slot░ (0-3)
7 âDand bit 6äâ6êÅTube expansion card slot░ (0-3)
ÅSync, monitor type░, some mode informationè
0 âDand bit 7äâ6ê0 ë Vertical syncäê1 ë Composite syncäê3 ë Auto-sync
1 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
2 âDand bits 3, 4, 5 & 6äâ6êÅMonitor type░äêê0 ë 0äêê1 ë 1,...,äêê31 ë Auto
3 âDand bits 2, 4, 5 & 6äâ6êÅMonitor type░äêê0 ë 0äêê1 ë 1,...,äêê31 ë Auto
4 âDand bits 2, 3, 5 & 6äâ6êÅMonitor type░äêê0 ë 0äêê1 ë 1,...,äêê31 ë Auto
5 âDand bits 2, 3, 4 & 6äâ6êÅMonitor type░äêê0 ë 0äêê1 ë 1,...,äêê31 ë Auto
6 âDand bits 2, 3, 4 & 5äâ6êÅMonitor type░äêê0 ë 0äêê1 ë 1,...,äêê31 ë Auto
7 âDand bit 0äâ6ê0 ë Vertical syncäê1 ë Composite syncäê3 ë Auto-sync
ÅFontSize░ in units of 4Kè
FontSize in units of 4K
ÅADFS use░è
■ADFS use
ÅADFS use░è
■ADFS use
ÅADFS use░è
■ADFS use
ÅAllocated to CDROMFS░è
ÅTimeZone░ (in 15 min offsets from UTC, stored as signed twoæs compliment)è
TimeZoneäê(in 15 min offsets from UTC,äêstored as signed twoæs complement)
ÅDesktop features░è
0 â6Å3D░äê0 ë Standard RISC OS 2 lookäê1 ë 3D
1 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
2 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
3 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
4 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
5 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
6 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
7 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
ÅCurrently selected printer░ (stored as printer number within current PrData file)è
Current printer
ÅAllocated to Twin░è
ÅScreen size░, (in pages)è
Screen sizeä(in pages)
ÅRAM disc size░, (in pages)è
RAM disc sizeä(in pages)
ÅSystem heap size░ added after initialisation, (in pages)è
System heap size added afteräinitialisationä(in pages)
ÅRMA size░ to add after initialisation, (in pages)è
RMA size to add afteräinitialisationä(in pages)
Sprite size, (in pages)è
Sprites sizeä(in pages)
ÅSound Default parameters░è
0 âDand bits 1, 2 & 3äâ6êÅChannel 0 default voice░
1 âDand bits 1, 2 & 3äâ6êÅChannel 0 default voice░
2 âDand bits 1, 2 & 3äâ6êÅChannel 0 default voice░
3 âDand bits 1, 2 & 3äâ6êÅChannel 0 default voice░
4 âDand bits 5 & 6äâ6êÅLoudness░äêê(0-7 ë &01 &13, &25, &37,äêêêêê &49, &5B, &6D, &7F)
5 âDand bits 5 & 6äâ6êÅLoudness░äêê(0-7 ë &01 &13, &25, &37,äêêêêê &49, &5B, &6D, &7F)
6 âDand bits 5 & 6äâ6êÅLoudness░äêê(0-7 ë &01 &13, &25, &37,äêêêêê &49, &5B, &6D, &7F)
7 â6ÅLoudspeaker enable░
ÅAllocated to BASIC editor░è
ⁿBASIC editor
ÅAllocated to BASIC editor░è
ⁿBASIC editor
ÅAllocated to BASIC editor░è
ⁿBASIC editor
ÅAllocated to BASIC editor░è
ⁿBASIC editor
ÅPrinter server name░è
Printer server name
ÅPrinter server name░è
Printer server name
ÅPrinter server name░è
Printer server name
ÅPrinter server name░è
Printer server name
ÅPrinter server name░è
Printer server name
ÅFile server name░è
File server name
ÅFile server name░è
File server name
ÅFile server name░è
File server name
ÅFile server name░è
File server name
ÅFile server name░è
File server name
ÅFile server name░è
File server name
ÅFile server name░è
File server name
ÅFile server name░è
File server name
ÅFile server name░è
File server name
ÅFile server name░è
File server name
ÅFile server name░è
File server name
ÅFile server name░è
File server name
ÅFile server name░è
File server name
ÅFile server name░è
File server name
ÅFile server name░è
File server name
*ÅUnplug for ROM modules░: (32 bits for up to 32 modules) & locations 174, 175, 176è
Unplug for ROM modules
*ÅUnplug for ROM modules░: (32 bits for up to 32 modules) & locations 173, 175, 176è
Unplug for ROM modules
*ÅUnplug for ROM modules░: (32 bits for up to 32 modules) & locations 173, 174, 176è
Unplug for ROM modules
*ÅUnplug for ROM modules░: (32 bits for up to 32 modules) & locations 173, 174, 175è
Unplug for ROM modules
*ÅUnplug for expansion card modules░: (4 x 8 bits for upto 8) & locations 178, 179, 180è
Unplug for expansion card modules
*ÅUnplug for expansion card modules░: (4 x 8 bits for upto 8) & locations 177, 179, 180è
Unplug for expansion card modules
*ÅUnplug for expansion card modules░: (4 x 8 bits for upto 8) & locations 177, 178, 180è
Unplug for expansion card modules
*ÅUnplug for expansion card modules░: (4 x 8 bits for upto 8) & locations 177, 178, 179è
Unplug for expansion card modules
ÅWild card for BASIC editor░è
ⁿWild card for BASIC editor
ÅWild card for BASIC editor░è
ⁿWild card for BASIC editor
ÅWild card for BASIC editor░è
ⁿWild card for BASIC editor
ÅWild card for BASIC editor░è
ⁿWild card for BASIC editor
ÅConfigured language░è
Configured language
ÅConfigured country░è
Configured country
ÅVFS░ (Video Filing System CMOS)è
ⁿVideo Filing System CMOS
0 âDand bit 1äâ6êÅROMFS Opt 4 state░
1 âDand bit 0äâ6êÅROMFS Opt 4 state░
2 â6ÅCache icon enable state░
3 âDand bits 4 & 5äâ6êÅScreen blanker time░äêê0 ë Off 1 ë 30secs 2 ë 1min 3 ë 2minsäêê4 ë 5mins 5 ë 10mins 6 ë 15minsäêê7 ë 30mins
4 âDand bits 3 & 5äâ6êÅScreen blanker time░äêê0 ë Off 1 ë 30secs 2 ë 1min 3 ë 2minsäêê4 ë 5mins 5 ë 10mins 6 ë 15minsäêê7 ë 30mins
5 âDand bits 3 & 4äâ6êÅScreen blanker time░äêê0 ë Off 1 ë 30secs 2 ë 1min 3 ë 2minsäêê4 ë 5mins 5 ë 10minsá6 ë 15minsäêê7 ë 30mins
6 â6ÅScreen blanker/Wrch interaction░äê0 ë Ignore Wrchäê1 ë Wrch unblanks screen
7 â6ÅHardware test enable░äê0 ë Full testsäê1 ë Disable long tests at power up
ÅWinchester size░ (& locations 190, 191, 192)è
Winchester size
ÅWinchester size░ (& locations 189, 191, 192)è
Winchester size
ÅWinchester size░ (& locations 189, 190, 192)è
Winchester size
ÅWinchester size░ (& locations 189, 190, 191)è
Winchester size
ÅProtection state░è
0 â6ÅPeek░
1 â6ÅPoke░
2 â6ÅJSR░
3 â6ÅUser RPC░
4 â6ÅOS RPC░
5 â6ÅHalt░
6 â6ÅGetRegs░
7 â6ÅUndefined░
ÅMouse multiplier░è
Mouse multiplier
0 â6ÅAUN BootNet░äê0 ë Disabledäê1 ë Enabled
1 âBÅReserved for Acorn░ use
2 â6ÅType of last reset░äê0 ë Ordinaryäê1 ë CMOS reset (RISC OS 3äêêêversion 3.10 onwards)
3 â6ÅPower saving░äê0 ë Disabledäê1 ë Enabled
4 â6ÅMode and wimp mode░äê0 ë Use byte 196äê1 ë Auto
5 â6ÅCache enable for ARM3░
6 â6ÅBroadcast protocols enable░
7 â6ÅColour hourglass enable░
ÅMode and wimp mode░è
Mode & WIMP mode
ÅWimp flags░è
0 âD& bits 1, 2 & 3äâ6êInstant draggingäê0 ë Donæt allowäê1 ë AllowäêêThis bit: ÅWindow position drags░äêêare continuously redrawn
1 âD& bits 0, 2 & 3äâ6êInstant draggingäê0 ë Donæt allowäê1 ë AllowäêêThis bit: ÅWindow resizing drags░äêêare continuously redrawn
2 âD& bits 0, 1 & 3äâ6êInstant draggingäê0 ë Donæt allowäê1 ë AllowäêêThis bit: ÅHorizontal scroll drags░äêêare continuously redrawn
3 âD& bits 0, 1 & 2äâ6êInstant draggingäê0 ë Donæt allowäê1 ë AllowäêêThis bit: ÅVertical scroll drags░äêêare continuously redrawn
4 â6ÅError box░äê0 ë Beep when error box appearsäê1 ë No beep when error box appears
5 â6ÅDragging windows partly off screen░äto the right & bottomäê0 ë Donæt allowäê1 ë Allow
6 â6ÅDragging windows partly off screen░äin all directionsäê0 ë Donæt allowäê1 ë Allow
7 â6ÅAutomatically open submenus░äê0 ë Donæt allowäê1 ë Allow
ÅDesktop state░è
0 âDand bit 1äâ6êÅFiler display mode░äêê0 ë Large iconsäêê1 ë Small iconsäêê2 ë Full infoäêê3 ë Reserved
1 âDand bit 0äâ6êÅFiler display mode░äêê0 ë Large iconsäêê1 ë Small iconsäêê2 ë Full infoäêê3 ë Reserved
2 âDand bit 3äâ6êÅFiler sorting mode░äêê0 ë Sort by nameäêê1 ë Sort by typeäêê2 ë Sort by sizeäêê3 ë Sort by date
3 âDand bit 2äâ6êÅFiler sorting mode░äêê0 ë Sort by nameäêê1 ë Sort by typeäêê2 ë Sort by sizeäêê3 ë Sort by date
4 â6ÅForce option░äê0 ë Do not forceäê1 ë Force
5 â6ÅConfirm option░äê0 ë Do not confirmäê1 ë Confirm
6 â6ÅVerbose option░äê0 ë No verboseäê1 ë Verbose
7 â6ÅNewer option░äê0 ë Not neweräê1 ë Newer
ÅADFS directory cache size░è
ADFS directory cache size
ÅSCSIFS flags░è
0 âDand bits 1 & 2äâ6êÅNumber of discs░ (0 - 4)
1 âDand bits 0 & 2äâ6êÅNumber of discs░ (0 - 4)
2 âDand bits 0 & 1äâ6êÅNumber of discs░ (0 - 4)
3 âDand bits 4 & 5äâ6êÅDefault drive░
4 âDand bits 3 & 5äâ6êÅDefault drive░
5 âDand bits 3 & 4äâ6êÅDefault drive░
6 â6Reserved
7 â6Reserved
ÅSCSIFS file cache buffers░ (must be 0)è
SCSIFS file cache buffersäâ6This location must be set to zero
ÅSCSIFS directory cache size░è
SCSIFS directory cache size
ÅSCSIFS disc 1 size░è
SCSIFS disc 1 sizeä(mapæs size * 256)
ÅSCSIFS disc 2 size░è
SCSIFS disc 2 sizeä(mapæs size * 256)
ÅSCSIFS disc 3 size░è
SCSIFS disc 3 sizeä(mapæs size * 256)
ÅSCSIFS disc 4 size░è
SCSIFS disc 4 sizeä(mapæs size * 256)
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅReserved for RISC iX░è
■RISC iX operating systemäand must not be used
ÅCMOS RAM checksum░è
CMOS RAM checksumäâBThe checksum location should not beäwritten to directly!